Top Bar not showing Social Media icons after new 1.7 update

  • kingsays


    I just upgraded my theme to 1.7 and now my social media buttons on my top bar aren’t showing as icons. They are showing as text links and half an icon for one of my custom buttons. I have temporarily hidden the top bar to avoid it looking messy on my site.

    My site is

    Anyone else have this problem with the new update?

    I’m guessing it’s just a line of code missing or somethng…

    Look forward to any help.



    Kenneth John Odle


    I have temporarily hidden the top bar to avoid it looking messy on my site.

    It is difficult—almost impossible, really—to figure out what’s wrong with something when it’s not there. Sometimes you just gotta live with the ugly for a bit.



    I’m also having this issue. Worked fine before the 1.7 update.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Please provide a link to your site.



    Hey Kenneth

    I am no longer hiding the ugliness. if you go to my site you will see what I am talking about above the header.



    Yeah, I’m having the same issue post 1.7 update. My RSS, Facebook and Twitter (built-in) icons are all missing (not even set in the stylesheet) and my custom icons are repeating the background-image along the x-axis. Also, all top bar links are showing their inner span., if you want to check it out.




    Just went to your site. Looks like they are all working again. How did you fix this?



    I haven’t done a thing, but that suggests it may be a CSS caching issue perhaps? Let me clear my cache out and try again.

    EDIT: Yep that’s done it. Must’ve been a change in the CSS/JS that my browser (Chrome 18.0.1025.162 m) was holding onto. Thanks!



    The same worked for me. Just clear you browser cache, and it all will be okay.




    Sometimes it’s the simplest of things.

    “Switch it off and on again”

    Clearing browser cache worked!

    Thanks everyone.

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