How to modify the theme using a child theme

  • Admin

    Syahir Hakim


    Can’t remove the Home link using CSS as of the current version of the theme. Consider using Custom Menu to define your own menu instead of using the default one. Also, in the next version, the default hardcoded Home link will no longer be displayed if a static front page is used.

    …remove the page title from the top of each of my static pages?

    Which page title do you want to remove? The want on the browser top bar or the page title on the page itself?



    I DO use a static front page. It sounds like the next version will remove the “home” tab from the top menu bar for me. In the meantime, I will try your suggestion.

    I want to remove the page title on the page itself. I like the way the page title on the menu bar is highlighted. I want to keep that! I don’t need both, and the on page title gets in the way of my content.


    Syahir Hakim


    Hurm..this is unusual, but if you would still like to do it, add the following code into your child theme’s style.css:

    div.type-page div.entry h2{display:none;}



    Sorry but, it is not working for me. My style.css looks like this:


    Theme Name: Graphene Child

    Theme URI: http: //

    Description: Child theme for the Graphene theme

    Author: Your name here

    Author URI: http: //

    Template: graphene

    Version: 0.1.0


    @import url(“../graphene/style.css”);


    div.type-page div.entry h2{display:none;}



    Syahir Hakim


    Why did you comment out the code? Those /* and */ shouldn’t be there after the @import line



    Thanks! Much appreciated!



    sorry, ignore this, figured it out, thanks~!


    I have created the child theme as instructed, but it seems to have made my menu go weird. I had amended the menus before creating the child theme, but when I activated the child theme, the amendments I made to the menus did not show, despite still being as I want them in the Appearance-Menus section on WP.

    Any ideas what’s happened and how I can fix it?

    Many thanks in advance,

    Dave –



    I think the code causes a global problem…

    The CSS code:

    div.type-page div.entry h2{display:none;}

    hides ALL <h2> TITLES throughout the website …

    Is there any other way to get around displaying the title on the homepage?



    Syahir Hakim


    To target elements on the home page only using css, prefix the elements’ selector with the .home class. Example:

    .home div.type-page div.entry h2{display:none;}



    Thanks for that Syahir, much appreciated!!

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