Feed Issue

  • Anonymous


    @waloshin wp-content/themes/graphene/includes/theme-head.php



    Thank you for the fix. This was the first time I a complete Noob with no knowledge ever fixed something. I appreciate the theme and the support here.

    And SYAHIR thank you, thank you

    waloshin- I will explain how i did it in case you need the same level of help i did

    go to dashboard

    go down to Appearance

    that will have a drop down the bottom of which is is Editor

    go to Editor

    on the far right is a column that says Templates

    scroll down and click on theme-head.php

    That will open up the coding in an edit window

    open up a separate window in your browser

    go to http://code.google.com/p/graphene/source/browse/branches/1.6/includes/theme-head.php

    copy the 465 lines of code

    go back to the theme php

    HIghight the entire window of coding and replace it

    hit update at the bottom

    and Vila



    I have copied the code into the file and now my website wont even load. It loads blank.



    Did you replace the code or just add the code to the existing file?



    I have replaced the code.



    Can you login to the wp-admin?



    At the time I could not so I just restored my files from a backup and oddly enough the feed seems to be working now too. Though there is nothing in the feed?




    Publish a new post and your feed will start to work!



    Hi so I am also a beginner with wordpress, and I love the graphene theme. Every time I install the theme, it messes up my RSS Feed and causes code errors. I have deleted and reinstalled Graphene to no avail. I also copied and pasted the code in this thread, but that didn’t help either.

    Is there anything else I can try, or will Graphene just not work on my site?


    Also, my RSS feed works just fine with all other themes



    Oh and one other thing, when I tried to copy and paste the code, instead of going in line by line, the code went in one big mess, and I had to take the time to slowly separate out all the lines.

    I did that, and it still didn’t work for my RSS. So please help, I love the theme and would like to continue using it, but need a code valid RSS so I can get email subscribers.

    I recently deleted graphene and reinstalled it so I am not currently running that new theme-head.php code

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