Custom color scheme and background

  • Admin

    Syahir Hakim


    Hi bo_wadh7a,

    Version 1.0.2 is already available for update. You should be able to update automatically from your WordPress dashboard. If the update notification is not there, try going to WP Admin > Appearance > Themes to force an update check. And make sure you enter your API key in the Graphene Mobile options page before updating.

    Let me know if you run into any problems, or if you still notice any problems with videos after you have done the update.



    Hey Syahir,

    I haven’t got the update yet. I forced WordPress to check, but with no result. I also checked my API Key on your site, and it is entered correctly. To be sure I also checked my theme directory and I still have Graphene Mobile 1.0.1.



    Haha, I just checked again and I have it now. Really weird, but it works 🙂


    Syahir Hakim


    That’s to be expected, as WordPress don’t go on checking for update on every page load. Instead, it caches the results from its update check, and performs the update check every 12 hours or so.



    Did you fix the issue with embedded video overflowing the content area yet? Or is that for a future update? If it was fixed, than it doesn’t work for me.


    Syahir Hakim


    Hang on, I’ll be pushing out another update to fix a bug with the footer widget. Let me know if the video still overflows the content area then.



    Sure 🙂


    Syahir Hakim


    Ok done.



    wait , the video problem still not fixed , i tryed it myself

    see this


    Syahir Hakim


    bo_wadh7a, is that using version 1.0.2 or version 1.0.3? Also, can you leave the mobile theme on on your website so that I can take a look and figure out what’s the problem? Alternatively, let me know what plugin you use to embed the videos (if any) or are you using the WordPress auto-embed feature?

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