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  • In reply to: Slider: pictures only, no text?


    Err…nevermind; figured it out:

    .bgimage-excerpt .slider-entry-wrap {
    display: none;

    In reply to: Another "theme update" question


    Ok then; I broke down. 🙂 I copied my site to another folder, then upgraded the copy. I’ve spent most of the day trying to figure things out; looks like several .names in the parent theme got changed (at least, the ones I modified…figures!).

    Now I’m stuck on the slider. I’ve lost the button, it’s wider, and I’m unsure how to stretch the photos to fill it.

    Compare the two: v1.5.6 and v1.8.1

    Help? My mind is mush at this point… 🙂

    In reply to: Another "theme update" question


    Thanks ronangelo! Not sure I’m willing to upgrade at this point. I’ve spent a lot of unpaid hours on this site, and it seems like upgrading will only add to those hours. I’m a super newb at wordpress, and stuff that takes the “knowledgeable” WP’er about 10 seconds to figure out takes me about 6 hours. So I’m looking at each red arrow on my “after” picture as about 6 hours worth of work for me. Let’s see…6 * 6 = roughly 9,000hrs, right?? 🙂

    On the other hand, I could look at it as training, I suppose…

    In reply to: Another "theme update" question


    Ok; maybe I should start with a specific example. 🙂

    Graphene 1.8.1 style.CSS:

    body {
    background: url(images/bg_g.png) repeat #000 fixed;
    color: #2c2b2b;
    font: normal 12px arial;
    line-height: 18px;
    position: relative;

    My Child Theme style.CSS:

    body {

    font: normal 13px/20px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;


    When I upgraded, the font went back to 12px arial; my child theme didn’t override. Unsure why?

    In reply to: Does the slider work with custom permalinks?


    Thanks Ken. Yeah; I’ve been a computer geek for the last 22 years and own my own consulting practice, so I understand the value of a good description of a problem. 🙂

    Well, you hit the nail on the head without knowing it! I was getting the page ID mixed up with the permalink. Sheesh! I was thinking “Why does wordpress make it so hard to find the page ID?”, and then realized that it isn’t hard at all…just need to hover over the link, and look at the number in the browser’s status bar. Viola!

    I used those numbers, and now the slider works as expected. *sigh* Guess the coffee hadn’t quite kicked in yet. 🙂

    So, this thread can be closed, and I’ve marked it as such. Thanks again, Ken; your response was super quick and exactly what I needed!



    In reply to: Another "upgrade" question


    Ok! Updated the theme, no issues! Updated WP, no issues! Good to go!

    Thanks for the fantastic theme and all your help so far, Syahir; and thanks Josh for convincing me that this update was going to be painless. 🙂

    In reply to: Another "upgrade" question


    Thanks Josh; reading the changelog now, upgrading soon!

    In reply to: Another "upgrade" question


    Maybe I’m just not seeing it, but where do I find the list of updates to Graphene 1.5.6?

    In reply to: Slider button text


    Wow…uh…maybe I’ll just leave it as is… 🙂

    In reply to: Another "upgrade" question


    Thanks a ton Josh! I’ll follow your recommendations and update the post when I’m done.

    I have a meeting today with the site colaborators, so I’ll wait until *after* that meeting to do these upgrades… 🙂

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