Showing full video screen on archive pages

  • Anonymous


    Building a site at and one thing I haven’t figured out.

    I’m using YouTube_Lyte to embed videos. I want the videos to show on the archive pages, but when I only get a link to the original YouTube post.

    Is there a setting I’m missing that will show the entire post on archive pages?

    Absolutely LOVE the flexibility of this them.





    It sounds like the excerpt is pulling the shortcode properly, but only returning the link?

    This may or may not work, but try adding these to your graphene options -> “display” tab -> excerpt options -> Retain these html tags:




    Thanks. Tried it but that didn’t make a difference as seen here –

    Velly interesting……



    It looks like the plugin author is using some (beta) functionality with the plugin. Are you using links or shortcodes to insert the video?



    The way the plugin works, is you merely paste the YouTube link, and put a ‘v’ after the http. That is the command to use the plug in.



    BTW, I appreciate your help. We talked once before. I’m from Hopkinsville.



    Okay. I have no idea… but I’m assuming the plugin author is “hooking” his code to posts and pages to run when it sees a youtube link. However, it looks like his code is NOT running on an archive or category page.

    Here’s what I would do:

    1. Remove the link, and go to youtube and grab the entire iframe or embed code. Paste that into your html view of your post. Do this just to TEST if the video will show on the category/archive page.

    2. If it does not, come back here and let me know.

    3. If it does, then contact the plugin author and inquire about videos which are listed on a category or archive page. It looks like he is pretty responsive on his wordpress plugin support page.

    I’m curious about step 1. Go try that and let me know.

    PS: I’m not sure what you do… but I’m taking my 3 year old to Disney (Orlando) next month sometime. It will be her first time, and about 25 years for me.

    I don’t know if you have deals, packages, etc. Send me a personal message, and we can talk more about it:


    Kenneth John Odle


    I guess I’m missing something here, but why do you want the videos to show on the archive page in the first place? Don’t you want your visitors to actually visit your posts?

    If you just want a page with a bunch of YouTube videos, why not just create a page with all the videos you want, using WordPress’s native embed feature, instead of a plugin?



    […] using WordPress’s native embed feature, instead of a plugin?

    Wow. I never knew about the default [embed] shortcode. I think this is what happens when there are TONS of plugins out there, flashing in your face, that you forget to first check default wordpress native functionality.

    Thanks for that, Ken!


    Kenneth John Odle


    Yep…no point in using a plugin for something that WordPress handles on its own (since 2.9, in fact). I often see a lot of people using plugins that they don’t really need to.

    I forget, but I think these get embedded as an object, so adding <object> to “Retain these html tags” might work.

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