
  • John McCubbin


    How do you format your text in the parent page for you subpage as my page looks the way i want but the main parent page it looks a bit jumbled



    Please be more specific on your requirements. Explain a bit more about what you want to do/get. You should either make your site online or provide screen shots. We don’t have super powers to answer you for your two line question without *actually* looking at the issue.

    John McCubbin


    When i creat a page and i have it eddited with adresses but on the parent page on the previews below its shown as:

    Address 22 Bank Street Annan DG12 6AA Telephone 01313 261 322 Fax 01313 261 323

    were as i would prefer it the layout of the actual page like:


    22 Bank Street


    DG12 6AA

    Telephone 01313 261 322

    Fax 01313 261 323

    plus can you change the zooming of the picture that comes at the side as some are logos and when it zooms to the centre it looks stupid



    Okay, try adding <p> to Graphene Options –> Display –> Excerpt Display Options –> Retain these HTML tags in excerpts

    John McCubbin


    thanks works what would the code be for tables





    John McCubbin


    that had the table but it killed my side widgets and destroyed my footer but thatnks for th <p> if you have anymore ideas for the table render it would be apreciated



    Try <table> alone

    John McCubbin


    did the same but didnt show table aswell

    John McCubbin


    do you have any suggestions on the image aswell

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