Graphene mobile – autofit??

  • APP22


    Wow! It appears that was the issue. The Jetpack menu stinks!! It did not appear that anything on there was active – until I hovered over “learn more” and then it gave a blurb about what it does and the deactivate button became visible – “deactivate” was hidden until the hover.

    Many thanks!

    Now, with the WP Mobile Pack deactivated, I get a 0% for the W3c mobile validator…should I reactivate that plugin?


    Syahir Hakim

    Now, with the WP Mobile Pack deactivated, I get a 0% for the W3c mobile validator…should I reactivate that plugin?

    You shouldn’t need to. W3C is giving a 0% score because the mobile theme is not served to its user agent. But you shouldn’t worry about that since it doesn’t really affect your site in any way.

    On the other hand, you really wouldn’t want to activate more than 1 mobile detector plugins at once, as they’ll more likely than not conflict with each other.



    I’m sorry, the validator now says 21%… and having the WP Mobile Pack active seems to make no difference. mobiReady gives it a “bad” rating. Anything to do to improve these?


    Now, with the WP Mobile Pack deactivated, I get a 0% for the W3c mobile validator…should I reactivate that plugin?

    You shouldn’t need to. W3C is giving a 0% score because the mobile theme is not served to its user agent. But you shouldn’t worry about that since it doesn’t really affect your site in any way.

    On the other hand, you really wouldn’t want to activate more than 1 mobile detector plugins at once, as they’ll more likely than not conflict with each other.

    Alright. Thank you again! Looks so much nicer & navigation is so much better!

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