Front Page Slider

  • craigh


    also on the original theme of this topic of Slider image weirdness

    on the front page of the site, the top default slider only displays post images (one that have one), if it is set up to use “featured image.”

    if i change this for example to be “first image in post” then things get peculiar.

    an example being Thomas Sheridan, who is appearing at several venues. There is a post for each and each post uses te same image, information and configuration, but setting the slider to use “first image in post” causes the image to disappear for Leicester and Hull, but stay for Birmingham.

    have probably overlooked something really fundamental, but struggling to find a solution


    Syahir Hakim


    The post excerpt thumbnail will be the featured image set for that post. If you set the featured image so that it will be displayed as the header image when that post is displayed, that featured image will also be the thumbnail for that post’s excerpt.

    Right now there’s no option to use the featured image for the header and another image for the post thumbnail, so you’ll have to either resort to a separate plugin for the thumbnail excerpt, or manually set the header image for those posts via a child theme and leave the featured image for the post excerpt thumbnail.



    Many thanks Syahir

    I’m currently in the process of setting up a child theme to avoid my current changes from being overwritten, so will probably go via this route,

    unless there is a plugin you can recommend?

    How easy is it to manually set the header image?

    Apologies if I am a bit vague at times, has been 10 or so years since i worked with html and css, just starting to find my feet again





    have installed child theme now and I managed to find the following in another thread

    <?php  /* Only add this line if you're working on an empty functions.php file */
    * Manually set different header image for individual pages
    function graphene_custom_header_image( $img_url ){
    /* Replace page-slug with the actual page slug */
    if ( is_page( 'page-slug' ) ) return '';

    return $img_url;
    add_filter( 'graphene_header_image', 'graphene_custom_header_image' );

    however have not seen anything different to enable me to manually set headers

    any help would be welcome


    Syahir Hakim


    Replace the with the URL to the image, and page-slug with the actual slug of the page you want to apply the header image to.



    many thanks for your help and it is good to know about this

    but in this instance i’ve gone for the lazy approach and installed WP Display Header plugin,

    seems to do everything i want to achieve for now

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