Facebook share button

  • jbergen23


    so is the Facebook “send” button the same as the FB “share” button on JetPack under Share Daddy? I don’t need a like button for users to like my page, that’s not the problem, I need to fix my “share” button so if I use the link above from Josh’s post above will it allow me to put a post onto my FB page with a picture for all my FB followers to see?




    also IF the SEND button is the same as the SHARE button from Jet Pack (Share Daddy) then it says I need to do this:

    1. Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening <body> tag.

    (then they give me the code below)

    2. Place the code for your plugin wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.

    (then they give me another code)

    Do I use both of these or just one? Also WHERE on the Graphene theme do I put this, especially the first one? I see that Step 2 says to put in on my page but I want this send/like button to appear on EVERY post/page.


    Kenneth John Odle


    The easiest way around all of this is to just use some code from Addthis.com. Get the code you want, paste it into the social sharing section of Graphene options, and you can share every page/post to FB easily. It’s what I do, and I don’t have to mess around with codes or Jetpack or extra plugins or weird scripts that mess up everything else.

    Remember Occam’s razor!




    Haha… Ken, love the analogy. I had to look it up… “Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily.” I’m gonna add that to my list 🙂


    I agree with Ken. One simple, yet effective code…. without all that mucking around with plugins and SDK’s.


    Kenneth John Odle


    That is, after all, why Syahir included a social sharing option with Graphene — to make it easy!



    So I must be the biggest pain in the butt around these days but I’m still having problems with this so I’m beginning to think it’s not my social sharing buttons after all but maybe my FB Like Widget in my sidebar…….I had someone do this for me and he had just played around with it on Friday night and then Sat. morning is when I had all of these problems with sharing posts (as far as text not matching the post I’m sharing, etc.) Could is have something to do with open graph meta tags? I haven no idea what that even means but after doing ALOT of research on this thru forums and support groups for all of these plug-ins etc. it sounds like that may be the problem?? what do you think and what the heck do open graph tags mean anyway? could that be the problem and if so, how do i fix that?

    I feel like if I could just get my “shared posts” to contain the title of each post as it’s link like it used to then everything would be fine like before….when all of these problems occurred it was when the title disappeared on all of my posts when sharing to Facebook. Instead of the title of each post in a “share” it just says the name of my website not the title of the post.


    Thanks for being patient with the “newbie” here!




    Never a pain 🙂

    OG tags just give you a little more customization over how the info gets displayed in the facebook page.

    However, your problem seems to go deeper than just using a different image.

    My recommendation… Disable all of your social sharing plugins and codes you have inserted.

    Start with a FRESH slate. Use one code at a time and test it fully. It’s the only way to isolate the cause.


    Kenneth John Odle


    what the heck do open graph tags mean anyway?

    It’s probably some sort of stats thing, so that you can see if the seventeen hours you spent doing all that wonderful SEO stuff actually brought in two more readers this week than last week.

    Seriously, just do the addthis.com thing. If you eventually get interested in tracking stats and all that, they make it very easy for you. No tweaks required.



    Josh, I disabled all of my social plug-ins and took out the code for the one FB Like Box that I had on my sidebar however, I didn’t write the code for my site, I had someone else do it and cannot get it touch with him – ugghhh! After all of that, I wrote a new post, shared it on FB, and it still had different text and no title to my post that showed up – just the same old “you got that for what title” again! It seems as if all of my posts that I’ve shared since this problem occurred 2 days ago are just showing up as comments under my latest post, rather than separate post – does the help any in describing the problem? can you look at my code by any chance or at least tell me where I could find any that could have been inserted that i could take out that may be causing this problem?



    What was the title of the new post you just created to test with?

    Did you use the share button in your sidebar? Or did you use the share button toward the bottom of the post (the addtoany share buttons)?

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