A few questions regarding Franz Josef theme and addons bundle

  • Anonymous


    Hi there,

    I bought the addons bundle for the Franz Josef theme a while ago and am in the middle of rebuilding my website, switching from Graphene.

    I noticed that nothing much has happened in a long time in regards to development, updating or bug solving.

    A few examples: Stacks uses SiteOrigins Panels 2.4.6, which is at 2.6.0 at the moment. The theme uses Font Awesome 4.6.3, which is at 4.7.0, including new icons. Stacks still suffers from the bug i described here, more then a year ago.

    So all in all i have a few questions:

    1. Is the Frans Jozef theme still being developed?
    2. Is the Stacks to-do list (mentioned in changelog) still being worked on?
    3. Is there ever going to be a colors addon or addition, which has been mentioned regularly but never appeared.
    4. Can i update Font Awesome myself by just copying the new version over the old one?
    5. If development had stopped, can i use the Frans Jozef theme in combination with the SiteOrigins plugins instead?

    Reason for asking all this is that i am trying to decide whether to continue with Franz Josef or start from scratch, with a different theme using the SiteOrigins plugins. Starting from scratch would be a waste of money in regards to the bundle i bought but still preferred to trying to get it all working with a theme and bundle that are outdated.

    Kind regards,



    Syahir Hakim


    Hi Gendji,

    To answer your question, we are currently pausing development on Franz Josef at the moment since much of our development time is focused on implementing new features for Graphene. We’ll still provide support and fixes for Franz Josef, but only for the critical and security bugs.

    After the new features for Graphene are completed, we’ll be porting over much of the same code to Franz Josef, so in the end both themes will achieve feature parity, but serving the needs of different kinds of website. We expect to achieve this some time around the middle of this year.

    Some of the features we’re working on for Graphene includes AMP implementation, full integration of WooCommerce and bbPress forum, more intuitive typography options, etc. These are completely new features so they do take quite significant amount of time and resources. As an example, we’ve just completed the bbPress forum integration, which required us to customise most of the default templates to achieve the desired result. We could take a shortcut and just do a light skinning of the default templates, but that would not do justice to everyone.

    As for the new FontAwesome version, yes you can simply copy the new version over the current files being used in the theme. The next time we publish an update, you can be sure that we’ll include the latest version of FontAwesome and SiteOrigins plugin.

    As for the SiteOrigins plugin, you can also install and activate the plugin separately. The theme will simply not load its own copy and just use the one you have installed.

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