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  • In reply to: Hosting Suggestions


    Syahir, thank you very much for taking the time to give your tried and tested advice. Some of the hosting providers offer CP Panel with their VPS packages, which would be neccessary for me to manage it, because I just hate Linux. I took a class on it that covered the basics, but I wasn’t one of the ones that loved it and preferred it over Windows.

    With WordPress, I really do not see the need to pay for the ability to use all the extra programming components that they make available with a VPS, but speed is the main issue I would think. It just seems that the only way to get the extra RAM and the extra processing power is to upgrade to from shared to VPS.

    I will take your advice and definately wait until the need arises before paying for something that I am not using. I haven’t seen any dirty tricks or schemes that some people complain of with HG (don’t want to advertise on here, lol) so I guess if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it for now 🙂

    Thanks again. I’m going to quit worrying about it until the need arises.

    In reply to: Default Avatar Change


    You know what…I was doing this with a test site on my WAMP server. When I put it live, it worked like a charm. Thanks for chiming in though. I do appreciate it.

    In reply to: MadeWorthy Site


    Thanks. That’s really an honor coming from both of you. I learned a whole lot in doing it, and that was part of the reason. I also appreciate the theme itself, which is just as good of a foundation as any out there. The programmers who wrote this thing are the ones with skills 🙂

    Ok, thanks for the answers. Syahir, I have back when I was just fiddling around, used an if statement to enqueue stylesheets for specific pages, but then of course it was just more files to retrieve, and yes, like you say, it was more trouble than it was worth. So I just combined them.

    In reply to: Remove Category from Blog


    Wow! I’ve done so much tweaking in my child theme that I forgot all the things the theme offers already built in. I totally forgot that was an option. Thanks for pointing that out. I appreciate it.

    In reply to: Adding a new font


    I would upload the font to font-squirrel and create an @font-face kit. Then you can upload it, use an @import statement in your child-theme stylesheet, and then style whatever elements you desire to be displayed using said font.

    font-squirrel generator

    I’m really not trying to be a wise guy by saying this, but if you don’t understand child-themes and stylesheets and such, you may be better off paying someone fifty bucks to do it for you. I like doing stuff myself too because it’s the only way to learn, but it’s not a time efficient method by any means 🙂 Good luck!

    In reply to: Post Formats


    I did some playing around with my experimental WAMP version and figured out how they work. Pretty neat!

    In reply to: Disable Google Webfonts


    If you’re using a child theme, you could add something like this to your functions file. I do this sometimes (along with others) if I’m troubleshooting a problem.

    function my_remove_filter()  {
    remove_filter( 'wp_head', 'graphene_webfont_script' );
    remove_filter( 'admin_head-appearance_page_custom-header', 'graphene_webfont_script' );
    add_action( 'init', 'my_remove_filter' );

    Also, if anyone sees a problem with this, please don’t hesitate to correct me. PHP hurts my head and I’m just learning as I go.

    In reply to: Gradient Colors with Main Menu in IE8


    Thanks for posting this. I had used a gradient generator for the nav bar that had the filter delcaration in it. That fixed my problem too. I thought it was a theme problem, but it was a “me” problem 🙂

    Thanks again!

    In reply to: Problem with hover menu in IE (I know…)


    Hi Josh,

    I checked out the site that you listed above and it looks like you got the drop down menus to work in IE8. What did you have to wind up changing? I would love it if I could configure something in my child theme so this wouldn’t be a problem anymore.

    Looks good though. Glad you got it to work for you.

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