Warning: Declaration of DropDown_NavMenu::start

  • swauthor@usa.net


    Suddenly, when on my itouch version of my website at the top of the screen it says: Warning: Declaration of DropDown_NavMenu::start_lv(&$output,$depth) should b compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu:start: (etc!!!)

    There are 7 warnings at the top of the screen and then if you scroll down, the website shows.

    Did you recently update Graphene neo and now it is not compatible with my older version of Graphene? I do not want to update and lose my prefs.

    Is there a way to take Graphene mobile off?
    Thank you for your help,


    Syahir Hakim


    Graphene 2.0 is now fully responsive, so Graphene Mobile Neo is no longer needed for optimised view on mobile devices. But of course, if you prefer the Graphene Mobile Neo styling on mobile phones, you can keep using it.



    Thank you for your reply. How do I take off Graphene mobile neo?


    Syahir Hakim


    Deactivate the GM Neo Helper plugin and Any Mobile Theme Switcher plugin.



    Thank you that worked and it took the warnings off the page. However I also just upgraded to the new Graphene and now I can no longer click on the slider post of my choice to have it take me to that post.



    Is there a way to be able to click on a slider post and have it take you to that post?


    Syahir Hakim


    Not at the moment. We’ll see about adding that option in the next theme update.

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