W3 Total Cache

  • Oliver



    nRelate plugin for showing related contents within my WordPress site was working successfully.

    Then I installed W3 Total Cache.

    Everything messed up and related contents are gone, and slider do not mowe.

    I have uninstalled W3 Total Cache, for the moment

    Please HELP!

    Best regards

    Oliver Nielsen



    Kenneth John Odle


    Moved to Support. Please post in the correct section next time.

    Have you cleared the browser cache?



    I am sorry; I will do that next time.

    I have enabled w3 cache and cleared the browser cache.

    Slider works now,

    but the plugin (nrelate) related content still does not work?


    Kenneth John Odle


    Check that plugin’s support forum or FAQ to see if there is an easy fix. If not, there are plenty of other “related posts” type plugins you might want to try.



    To fix the slider not moving issue, Go to W3 Total Cache settings –> Minify and disable JS minify.



    Ok Kenneth, I will do that.

    Prasanna, your answer solves the problem with slider and related content.

    Thank you.



    Both slider and the related posts plugin you are using, relies on jQuery/JS. But the minify feature in the W3 Total Cache doesn’t play nice. If you are looking for a good plugin to minifiy your JS and CSS files, I’d recommend Better WordPress Minify – http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bwp-minify/

    Marking thread as resolved. You can do this yourself as well.



    I have installed the bwp minify, which you recommended.

    Plugin is very fine.

    Thank you for the fine explanation also Prasanna

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