Using Mozilla Firefox and Firebug to locate and adjust .css files

  • Anonymous


    Well, this is my first screencast ever. But I thought it would be helpful to show people how to inspect and manipulate their css elements.

    @Ken, go easy on me!!

    @Syahir, I hope you don’t mind me posting this here. I’m not a professional, but I have gotten my feet wet 🙂

    @ all others. Hope this points you in the right direction.


    Syahir Hakim

    @Syahir, I hope you don’t mind me posting this here. I’m not a professional, but I have gotten my feet wet 🙂

    Not at all! I think it’s great, so I’m gonna sticky this.



    rofl… I was wondering where this went. I was so focused on looking at the user submitted questions, I forgot about looking at the sticky area. How, as smart as I am, do I miss things that are sooo obvious?? … Maybe I’m not as think as I smart I am…

    Thanks for the sticky!! I’m gonna change this to a better version soon.

    Edward Allen


    Last night I mentioned that my URL (, was losing its title line in the header. Josh was very kind to answer me quickly.

    Each time I went to the website with Google Chrome and IE 9, this was the case.

    Today, I tried using Firefox and the header was perfect, including the title.

    This raises the question of whether or not others using Internet Explorer and Google Chrome will not see the title either. My domain host tech. support suggests that I change the “css” for the website to allow it working in the other browsers.

    If you can help me, i would appreciate it so much. Otherwise, I am forced to take a crash course in HTML and css. Thank you.



    It’s because you are using an image for your title “We Submit – You Decide”.

    It displays perfectly in Firefox 8; shows a border around the image in Opera 11.52; and doesn’t display the image at all, just the ‘alt text’ in IE8.

    Here is the code being used to pull the image:

    <img style="border: 0 none ;" alt="We Submit — YOU Decide" title="We Submit — YOU Decide" src="">

    This doesn’t look quite right. Instead, upload your image to your server in a special folder you create just for images, and then point the img src to that file.

    For example, the above would look like this:

    <img style="border: 0 none ;" alt="We Submit — YOU Decide" title="We Submit — YOU Decide" src="http://ABSOLUTE URL TO YOUR IMAGE">

    Also, because this is more of a support question, don’t be afraid to create a new thread in the Support section of the forum. You can always reference another thread by providing a link 🙂



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