Unable to "Leave comment"

  • JetBlack


    This is my first experience with WordPress… Love the Graphene theme — it looks and functions the way my client wants it to.


    The site has been up and running for a few months, but now I have 2 questions/issues:

    1) The “Leave comment” links on the home page don’t work, error: http://crossfitice.com/?s=&search_404=1

    2) Is there a way to add a “Leave comment” link under each post on the “Brag Board” page (instead of having just one box at the bottom of the page)?

    Thank you!!



    One more…

    3) Possible to add a hit counter?


    Syahir Hakim


    The Leave Comment link on the website you mentioned points to another website’s URL: http://mobilitywod.blogspot.com

    Check your WordPress settings, particularly the WordPress address and site address settings in Settings > General.

    As for the hit counter, you could use a plugin to add that functionality, like this WordPress Hit Counter.





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