Tripadvisor icon and link

  • Andrea155


    hello, I would have to place the small icon nessita tripadvisor to my site: I would see well both in the header and in the footer, or next to the buttons on Facebook and Twitter. Do you have ideas on this? anyone has ever made, if so, how did you do?

    Hello and thank you



    Hi Andrea155,

    You can do all of this using action hooks… made possible with this wonderful theme.

    Here is a link to get you started…



    Thanks Josh I immediately start astudiare your response!

    If I have problems I’ll write again

    thanks again



    You bet. Post back and let us know how you do.



    Well, topic is solved as far as I see, but for further readers:

    Download icon, upload to site (FTP or even WP media uploader), copy icon url link, go to Graphene Options/Top Bar options/, in “Add social media Profile” choose type:”Custom”, paste icon url in “URL” and type in description, click on “add this social…” -> Save -> Done.

    For putting it on some other place, use Josh advice 🙂



    Great Luko, and thanks!

    you told me the same explanation given to me by Prasanna. It ‘was easy and fast! And it works! Thanks to all three: Prasanna, you and Josh. I close the ticket.


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