Title row spacing in homepage panes

  • Anonymous


    Hi all,

    I love graphene – you guys deserve praise and $$ support!

    I have a question. My site is http://www.spiritualenthusiast.com/

    Is it possible to tweak fonts of my homepage pane titles so that the spacing between rows / lines within the title becomes a single line?

    Larger titles move homepage panes and create other cubes with shorter titles to be out of line.

    Thank you very much.

    Mira Cosic


    Spiritual Enthusiast Magazine


    Kenneth John Odle


    There are two ways to avoid this:

    1) Use short titles that only go on a single line.

    2) Adjust the size of each homepage pane via css so that each pane is the same size, regardless of its content. (But this creates blank space at the end of each homepage pane.)

    There are probably some other ways to accomplish this via CSS3, but I’ll have to look into it later when I have the time.

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