Timthumb integration

  • giles14


    Hello Syahir,

    I have a new request, that could be really appreciated for mobile browsers, to Integrate timthumb or any other thumbnail generator to graphene mobile. I put this because I was making some test and I add a Highres image I was surprised that the theme took like 30 (or more) secconds to load I was wondering why and then I realized that it was because of the lack of any “thumbnalaizer” like timthumb.


    Syahir Hakim


    I am actually very cautious with including such image manipulation script like timthumb, due to security issues. Just recently the site of timthumb’s developer itself was hacked due to vulnerabilities in timthumb itself, which has since been corrected.

    Where does this high res image appears though? If you add it via the WordPress editor, WordPress should alraedy have cropped it automatically to web-manageable size.




    I add it from the wordpress editor, but insted of using any cropped image, I use the fullsize image that in desktop theme looks fine and so does in mobile theme; Nonetheless, when you are browsing in 3G or anyother not-wifi connection, it takes some time to load the Image, for this Im assuming its ussing the fullRes Image.

    You are right with timthumb, In the last months malware was detected in a lot of wordpress instalations because of timthumb, but should be great for exaple when the theme detects that a fullsize(high-res) image is in a post, the theme should be able to load anyother cropped image(that has been already created by WordPress).

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