Thumbnails of featured image not showing on home excerpts.

  • Starvey


    First of all, hi.

    I’ve been using WP coupled with Graphene for some time now, but since the last update (1.6), thumbnails of featured image are not showing on home excerpts. Actually, only a “broken image” shows.

    I’ve been unsuccessfully digging around the web for a solution.

    Thing is, when I click on where the image is supposed to be, I end up in the image directory. The source code of the compiled page shows the image file directory, not the actual image file.

    Check it up at

    Any idea ?




    No one has any idea?

    So far, I’m stuck.


    Syahir Hakim


    It’s working fine on my local development server. Try uploading a new image and use that as the post’s featured image and see if it works.

    Also, what’s the values for the “Thumbnail size” setting in WP Admin > Settings > Media ?



    @Syahir Hakim

    Thumbnails are 150×150.

    But I think I might have a theory on that, being that thumbnails are provided from a CDN (actually, a subdomain). Dunno why, but other than upgrading Graphene, that’s the only other change I made.

    Well, so far it’s jsut a theory since I don’t see how it could impact thumbnails and not the other images (but I’ve been known to make wrong guesses 😉 ).


    Syahir Hakim


    Okay, try resyncing the CDN content with your site’s content. It could be that the theme previously uses a custom-sized thumbnail for the listing, but have reverted to the default WordPress thumbnail size to decrease redundancy.



    Mhmm, thing is images are uploaded to a subdomain, so there’s no duplication from that CDN (there’s another subdomain CDN for statics like .css and .js, but images are uploaded and called from a specific subdomain CDN). I had to do it to save some space.

    Yet I tried to tune up WP Super Cache, see if I missed a string or two, that didn’t change a thing.

    The source code says this :

    width=”150″ height=”150″ src=”; class=”attachment-thumbnail” alt=”Image cassée” title=”Image cassée” />

    Funny thing is it points to a folder and not to an actual image.

    Boggles my mind 😀

    Thx for your help.


    Syahir Hakim


    Whenever you upload an image, WordPress resizes it to a few sizes defined in WordPress, the theme you’re using, and any other plugins you’re using. If you’re uploading straight to CDN, make sure WordPress can generate the resized images and put it on the CDN?

    Funny thing is it points to a folder and not to an actual image.

    Seems to me like a case where the proper URL for the resized image is not being reported/recorded properly by WordPress. Could be any number of reason causing this, but my bet is on the failure to generate the resized images.



    [blockquote]Seems to me like a case where the proper URL for the resized image is not being reported/recorded properly by WordPress. Could be any number of reason causing this, but my bet is on the failure to generate the resized images.[/blockquote]

    Thing is, I have no idea how to fix that 😀

    And I don’t have any idea what could have caused that. The thumbnails are created, they are there but do not appear, even in the media manager.



    The humanity! 😀

    New thumbnails are correctly displayed and appear.

    Old ones do not appear.

    When I look at the generated code, il looks like that:

    New thumb:

    width="150" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Jean Giraud alias Moebius" title="Jean Giraud alias Moebius" />

    Old thumb:

    width="106" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Pin-up" title="Pin-up" />

    where it should be

    width="106" height="150" src="" class="attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Pin-up" title="Pin-up" />

    The file is there but the script won’t acknowledge it or something.

    If anyone has any suggestion on how to proceed, I’m all ears…




    Well, rebuilding the thumbnails seems to correct some of the errors… but not all of them!

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