Theme direction doesn't change to rtl even after changing the language ?

  • topchefcooks


    So I understand that the theme is rtl ready and all what u have to do is change the wordpress language and the theme direction should automatically change to rlt ?

    I followed the video in the theme website (downloaded arabic wordpress, took the language folder and uploaded it via ftp then changed the wp-config file as shown), the wordpress control panel changed to Arabic and the theme was translated but the blog is still showing as ltr not rtl ?

    Also is there any way to keep the control panel in english while having the blog in rtl ?

    my blog url is :

    thank you ….



    lol … ok so it was working well all the time the problem was with me for using a stupid plugin.

    Is there any way to change the control panel back to english again ?



    ok so I found I plugin to do that ….

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