Suspected bug: unwanted paragraph tags in the excerpt

  • 6knTBH3W



    1. WordPress 5.2
    2. Fully updated Graphene theme
    3. WP Facebook Auto Publish to publish post excerpts together with the featured images on a Facebook Page

    The bug:
    Every single post published on Facebook (through the plugin) looks like this: <p>Excerpt text here</p> and this happens even when I type the excerpt manually in WordPress. I do not use any html tags. I do not know from where these paragraph tages come from. I contacted the plugin developer and apparently they are not generated by the plugin. I then tested the plugin with the Switzerland theme, and the Facebook posts were correct and clean. I then switched back to Graphene, and <p> and </p> are back. Hence, I assume that there is a bug in Graphene. Somehow it adds paragraph tags to the excerpts that other plugins digest.



    Added information:

    These paragraph tags can be seen on the image that Facebook fetches when it displays a shared link. Dont know how themes affect the preview image… but it isn’t pretty.

    The excerpt text is ok. The shared link preview image has the problem I described. So what is given to Facebook when it asks for a preview image for a link is bad.

    I can circumvent this problem in the plugin by “sharing a post” instead of a link so no majir problem.

    If this is a feature, not a bug, then just ignore this report.


    Syahir Hakim


    Please provide the URL of your site so that we can investigate further.



    I performed one more test.

    1) No manually typed excerpt -> no problem
    2) Manually typed excerpt -> Problem!
    In the text that Facebook includes with shared links there is a clean and nice post header but then: <p>Excerpt text here</p><p><a class=”more-link btn”…

    I can give you limited admin access for testing If you need, as we are only launching the site, and it’s not a bank 😀


    Syahir Hakim


    Thanks for that. We’ve identified the issue and developed a fix, which will be available in the next theme update.

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