Support for PHP 7.1

  • soriahdez



    I notice that Franz Joseph doesn’t have support for PHP 7.1
    I update y server to PHP 7.1 and the website show a blank page bu if I use PHP 7.0 it work pretty well

    So I just want to know if you will add support to PHP 7.1.

    Thank you


    Syahir Hakim


    The Franz Josef demo site is running PHP 7.1 and everything is working normally. Try disabling your plugins to see if any of those is causing the issue instead.



    Stacks plugin seems to be the problem. All pages created without Stacks work on 7.1 and 7.2, including menu etc. All pages created with Stacks don’t.

    Disabling Stacks shows the pages made with Stacks on 7.1 and 7.2 but then of course the make-up is gone.


    Syahir Hakim


    Hmm.. that is strange as the demo site is also running Stacks with PHP 7.1. Can you turn on WP_DEBUG on your site and see if there’s any error message displayed? Also, have you installed the latest SiteOrigin Page Builder plugin to replace the theme’s bundled copy?



    This is what’s displayed on pages with Stacks:

    in /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/inc/css.php:27 
    Stack trace: 
    #0 /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/inc/css.php(107): SiteOrigin_Panels_Css_Builder->add_css('#pgc-1461-0-0', Array, 1920) 
    #1 /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/siteorigin-panels.php(754): SiteOrigin_Panels_Css_Builder->add_cell_css(1461, 0, 0, '', Array) 
    #2 /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/siteorigin-panels.php(1334): siteorigin_panels_generate_css(1461) 
    #3 /blog/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): siteorigin_panels_enqueue_styles('') 
    #4 /blog/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array) 
    #5 /blog/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) 
    #6 /mn in /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/inc/css.php on line 27

    I installed SiteOrigin Page Builder plugin on another website but disabled it again. It works but not with pages already created with Stacks. Problem seems to be that Stacks isn’t registered as a part of Page Builder so i have to rebuild all the pages with SiteOrigin Page Builder panels.

    If SiteOrigin Page Builder works with php 7.1 of 7.2 i do not know, i haven’t tested that.


    Syahir Hakim


    @Gendji, can you post the line preceding the error log you posted above? Before the in /blog/wp-content/plugins/.... That would indicate what the error actually was.



    Oops sorry, missed a part.

    Here it is:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/inc/css.php:27 
    Stack trace:
    #0 /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/inc/css.php(107): SiteOrigin_Panels_Css_Builder->add_css('#pgc-1461-0-0', Array, 1920) 
    #1 /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/siteorigin-panels.php(754): SiteOrigin_Panels_Css_Builder->add_cell_css(1461, 0, 0, '', Array) 
    #2 /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/siteorigin-panels.php(1334): siteorigin_panels_generate_css(1461) 
    #3 /blog/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): siteorigin_panels_enqueue_styles('') 
    #4 /blog/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array) 
    #5 /blog/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) 
    #6 /mn in /blog/wp-content/plugins/franz-stacks/lib/page-builder/inc/css.php on line 27

    Syahir Hakim


    Thanks @Gendji. We’ve released an update for Stacks that should fix this issue. Please update your copy and let me know how it goes for you.



    Working on both 7.1 and 7.2, Thank you!.

    Small problem occurred after the update (and no idea why).

    Edit Row -> Row Styles -> Attributes -> CSS Styles, are not working anymore with Stacks.

    Made a separate class and put it in Row Class, to solve that problem.



    Noticed some more problems btw. If you look at the Franz Josef demo website and test is for responsiveness, you’ll notice that it isn’t working anymore, like it should.

    Items are not stacked under each other when resizing, instead a scroll-bar appears and the columns are stretched. Slider is “compressed” to the left and not readable anymore.

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