Sudden problem with layout, appearance in IE7

  • makin memories



    I’m really new to designing my own site but I had it exactly the way I wanted it for months, and suddenly it has started appearing wrong in IE7. Everything looks fine (except for the fact that links are now in very large font) until you hover over the drop down menu and then the entire page seems to shift to the right. Also, when people reply in the comment section their comment is in white and can’t be seen on the gray background of the comment section. I don’t know why it would just suddenly stop working correctly in IE7, but it is perfectly fine in Firefox and Safari. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have no idea where to begin. Here is my site so you can see what I’m referring to.

    Also, I will admit I haven’t updated to the latest version because I still don’t understand how to create a child theme and all my changes have been made to the regular theme. I want to figure out how to create a child theme and move my changes to it before I update…..


    Misha Grech


    That is the same reason why did not do the update. Now that Ive worked so much on it like depending on trial and error since I have no idea how to work on anything, I just try. I am currenly waiting for khairul to reply to my post too. Are you only using the wordpress settings or are you editing the theme urself too?

    makin memories


    I’ve edited the theme myself, added the menus, changed colors, changed the text placement and size in the header, that sort of thing… I also know now that it’s doing similar things in IE8 as well.

    makin memories



    makin memories


    I went ahead and updated the theme and everything is working fine. I realized I hadn’t made many changes to the theme and I just went back in changed them again. I tried with a child theme but I have no idea what I’m doing.

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