Strange behavior with post title getting clipped

  • Anonymous


    I’m using Graphene as a website/blog theme for a theater production company. We’re officially launching our site tomorrow and through the process of embedding our press release into the page, I’ve noticed a strange behavior where the post title text is getting clipped. This behavior is happening in every major browser tested (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer) except for Opera 11 – which is not experiencing the issue.

    The affected page is here:

    Essentially I am using ‘id=”press-release”‘ to identify the area of the page where the press release is, then using ‘href=”press-release”‘ to link to the area with the embedded press release. In Safari (and all browsers except for Opera), the following occurs when the “View Our Press Release” link is clicked and the user scrolls back up to the top of the page:

    20110304-txj13fsycx5urgdptd9m34x9q2.preview.jpgClick for large viewUploaded with Skitch

    Note that the post title text is clipped. Here is a screenshot of Opera, following the same procedure (load page, click “View Our Press Release” link, scroll back to top:

    20110304-tuqn6q9k2nbj8m4m1jfj9n83yj.preview.jpgClick for large viewUploaded with Skitch

    I’m wondering if this phenomenon is a bug in all browsers except Opera, something I’ve done with this particular post, or something with the theme itself.

    Any thoughts or suggestions you might have are appreciated. I love your theme!

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