SOS!!! Right Sidebar not displaying properly ONLY on 1 post and 1 page

  • JennyDB



    I have read through other posts on this topic and can’t find a solution.

    My website is

    On only one of my blog posts the right sidebar will not display (which usually contains all my widgets) and the comment below will not display. I verified no open

    <li> or <div> tags. Strangely, I cannot even see the comment in the WP-panel area as I wanted to check for weird tags in there as well, but was able to do a work around to get to it and verified no open tags in the comments section either.

    Similar problem though not as pressing, on only ONE page on my site the sidebar displays weirdly. It is fine for about half the page and then the right sidebar kicks over to the left side.

    This website is for a class I have a midterm on tomorrow, so any help would be greatly appreciated. I have not modified any code, I am not that experienced… I have not changed any settings and would prefer to not have to revert if posisble because then I will lose all my customization.

    Please help!



    Just to update everyone, I was able to get hte sidebar to start working by DELETING the comment on the post. I am not sure if it was something in the comment but the content was: “Grrrreat review! I’m not so keen on traveling across the bridge these days, but wow! This sounds like a place Lucky Jack needs to visit! Woof woof

    CONTACT PAGE is still displaying funky though:



    [Put code in between backtick (


    ) characters. It’s usually located above the Tab key on your keyboard.]

    I’ve fixed it above.

    What is wrong with your Contact page? It appears fine to me.



    Thanks – I noticed that the <ul> code i referenced caused funkiness but I’m a newb and didn’t know how to edit after posting.

    OK so I see that in fact my contact page displays fine so long as I use a browser other than IE8.

    However, I am still troubled how the comment left by someone could break an entire post page. Do you see anything in the comment above from Lucky Jack Latte that would break the page? I had to delete the entire thing and then re-enter it removing all punctuation and the link just to be careful and now it’s fine…

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