Social Media buttons

  • petvet


    (Have only had the mobile version for one day, so if this already built in, sorry)

    I don’t know if it would be possible (maybe something for the future), to add the social media buttons either on the title or at the bottom of each (or just the home) page. (twitter, facebook…etc. Like on the regular version of Graphene)

    I realize I could add them to the menu/footer menu by creating custom links, but maybe have some small versions of the buttons on the main theme.



    I’m not sure if you want to add link to your social media profile or you want to add social sharing buttons. I assume you want to add your twitter/facebook links to post footer on each page. If you are familiar with child theme and php, try this,

    function mgraphene_custom_social_media_buttons {
    echo '<div>
    <a href=""><img src="http://twitter.icon.png" /></a>
    <span> | </span>
    <a href=""><img src="http://facebook.icon.png" /></a>

    add_action('mgraphene_loop_tags_before', 'mgraphene_custom_social_media_buttons');

    Replace username with your twitter username and http://twitter.icon.png with twitter icon URL. If you want to have text instead of image, replace <img src="http://twitter.icon.png" /> with plain twitter or my tweets. Do the same for facebook.

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