Slider got frozen (again)

  • Jean-Claude


    Hi Prasanna ,

    I’m confronted to the same situation as Open Unionism. As I said on his post, I checked all plugins, one by one. None seems to be the origin of this dysfonctionnement..

    Have you got any suggestion for new investigations



    Are you using any JS minifier (like WP minify or bwp-minify) or CDN like CloudFlare or Amazon CDN?



    Thanks for your swift reply !

    No, I’m not using any of those services


    Here is my web site :




    After messing with greybox, I discovered that this script was at the origin of my frozen slider…

    It seems to me that this interference happened with the update of Graphene. Could Syahir Hakim have look at this, I miss my greybox script.

    Thanks for your care

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