Slider excerpt contains an image

  • Mark S


    Not sure why, but the grey text box containing excerpt relating to the posts in my slider also contains a constant image (relating to one specific post), seems no way of removing it? Check it out on

    Any suggestions appreciated, thanks.


    Kenneth John Odle


    What are your slider settings?

    Have you altered any theme files?

    Mark S


    Kenneth thanks for coming back:

    Slider image = ‘Feature image’

    URL – none entered

    Background image and excerpt

    horizontal slide

    5000 / 300 milliseconds

    Not aware or certainly not deliverately chaninged any theme files




    Add this to Custom CSS to get rid of that image.

    .slider_post_entry img {
    display: none;

    But you still need yo find out why that image is there!

    Mark S


    Thank-you, thats it gone now, great.

    Loving this theme, looks very professional.



    Marking thread as resolved. You can do this yourself as well.

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