Slider disappears with All-in-One Event Calendar plug-in

  • hcroze


    After several updates (WordPress, Graphene, All-in-One Event Calendar) more or less at the same time, the front-page slider disappeared from view leaving a blank space. Could click on its space and get to the last post. Following advice from another topic thread, I started deactivating plug-ins, beginning with the Calendar. At that, the slider reappeared, but of course the calendar events in the sidebar were gone. I’ve tried all permutations I can think of, but am unable to get them both up and running at the same time. Any advice. Many thanks. Harvey


    Kenneth John Odle


    Chances are that the calendar plugin is doing something odd with jQuery. But it is difficult to tell now without seeing the calendar activated.




    Many thanks. Your little Custom CSS sidestep did the trick: now we have both the slider and the Timely events widget in the sidebar.

    Still one small problem, which seems to be more of a Timely issue than that of Graphene. When you click on the View Calendar tab, it takes you to a 404 error, I presume because I haven’t parked a calendar on a page somewhere. Can’t recall how I did that in the previous incarnation of the site, but will have a poke around. Any quick tips most welcome. Cheers.

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