Slide show => How Change It

  • loobyz



    I want to change the system of the slide show but I do not know if this is possible. How can I display images instead of my biblitohèque articles. Is this possible?

    Really thank you.



    Select Featured Image in Slider Options –> Slider Image.

    Then use display:none property in CSS to remove unwanted excerpt in the slider.

    Please provide your site URL.



    Here :

    I put in css customs :

    . block-button,. block-button: visited

    {display: none;}

    . slider-entry-wrap {display: none}

    I don’t understand how choose my pictures. I just want to put pictures that have nothing to do with the articles.

    How can do it?



    Graphene Options –> Slider Options –> Slider Image –> Featured Image.

    Then select a featured image while publishing the post.



    In fact, I don’t want to publish a post. It is possible to do that?

    I only want pictures not text in this slide show



    In fact, I just want to put 5-6 pictures differents.

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