Similar Customisations

  • fergiestand


    This is my site:

    I recently downloaded this wonderful theme, but I have had some problems, not so much with the theme itself – more with the customisations (CSS) and so on.

    I’m trying to get my theme to look like this (the site also uses the same theme, but obviously uses a Childs Theme also):

    If anyone can help, that would be terrific.


    Kenneth John Odle


    You can use the Firebug addon for Firefox to find out what they have changed and how they have changed it.

    You can also use your browser’s “view source” function to look at their style sheets. Their child theme style sheet is here:



    Yeah, I have used Firebug but I really am a noob, Kenneth, haha sorry. Do you have FB or an email address where you can help me step by step? Please. Thanks 🙂


    Kenneth John Odle


    It is beyond the scope of this forum to help you with extensive customisations. If you ask specific questions, you will (generally, as time allows) get specific answers.

    If you don’t much about html and css, you can learn a lot from the resources listed here:

    That is where most of us have learned what we know. (That, and the Google, of course.)

    I am thinking about putting up a set of courses on my Moodle covering basic HTML and CSS. Let me know if you are interested.

    With that said, are there one or two big items you would like to change first? Let’s deal with those and see how much you can learn from that experience.



    Okay, thanks. I am going to create a Child theme first, so that everything is smooth. What I would like to know first is how to get the menu exactly like the one implemented on the here: Latest Articles, Matches, etc. The next thing is how to customise the slider (make the picture to the size on that site) and have thumbnail images underneath it. That’s a start.

    And yeah, I’ll definitely be interested since (from my experience in reading your posts on this forum), you make things very simple and don’t overcomplicate things that much.

    Many thanks, Kenneth.




    Oh, I know how to do that. 🙂

    Next is how to move the custom menu all the way to the top of the page.



    I can give you my password and you can make the modifications? My account is safe – I just need to really change the complexion of the theme.





    How do I make my sliderdeck through CSS look like this?

    Here’s mine:

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