Sidebars with Widgets of articles disappeared – Pages Not affected

  • ATCler


    Hi, Folks,

    I just discovered, that my sidebars at articles have disappeared, however all Sidebars connected with Pages are still Displays correctly.

    How can I fix this Problem?

    BTW. Nothing has eben changed, altered or removed. All pressently Not displayed sidebars are still there with their Widgets, but will Not bei displayed properly.

    For example klick Here:

    My startpage is a static page and all sidebars are there.

    If you klick The next “Aktuelles” in The Main menue, You See an Article site with NO sidebars and widgets.

    Tranks for help!



    The Problem is solved!

    It was a due to an update of the “content aware sitebar” plugin, ehich now needs a preciser configuration by setting up some groups for displaying the sidebar.

    While updating that plugin to the new version, some settings were overtaken not properly and this caused the sidebars to disappear-

    Everything is fine again!

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