Sidebar widgets relocated to the bottom of the mainpage

  • Levy2725


    I’m just experimenting with the theme for the first time. I’ve placed several sidebar widgets but they are showing up at the bottom of my homepage, between the last post and the footer. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


    Kenneth John Odle


    Either you have an unclosed </div> somewhere in a text widget, or you need to reset your column width settings.



    Thanks, apparently it was a sizing issue. I really appreciate you getting back to me so quickly.

    My site has been running the same crummy theme for going on two years. I stumbled onto graphene today and have been really, really excited about it.


    Syahir Hakim


    Marking thread as resolved. You can do this yourself as well.

    Since you’re new to the theme, the theme’s Documentation Wiki might be useful to you.

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