Showing off: Marietta Masonic Bodies

  • qazwsx


    Hello all, I’m here to show off a site that I’ve donated all work on to the Masons in Marietta, Ohio.

    Check it out and let me know what you think. (The bad, the good, and the GREAT!)

    Any changes that needs made? Likes? Dislikes?

    This site is 10, yes 10 different installs of wordpress and the graphene theme.

    (yea, i found out about wordpress MU after i made this site, to much work to redo it using that style)




    Good lord!! You are maintaining ten different installs? WOW. And they all look really consistent. I like how you have included links to each site in the header. Looks very professional and functions nicely.

    Also, great work at changing your menu background colors on different states; active, hover, etc. A subtle change goes a LONG way 🙂

    I really don’t have any constructive criticism. Job well done!!

    UPDATE: Do you have to change the code in ten different CSS files when you want to change a background color or something? You’ve got me wondering if there is a way to make each of the ten sites pull from a single css stylesheet… so you make an adjustment once, and it snowballs to all ten sites.




    The color for the backgrounds on the menu is both color and sprite file background: url("images/sprite_h.png") repeat-x scroll left -3px #313173; I changed the color in the file to the small change in hue that i wanted.

    Right now, yes, each install is its own install. So each site is by itself a site. Even though only 1 domain is pointed to the root. Each install can have its own domain if the client wants it done that way at some point. So right now, if i change a css file on one, i have to change it 9 more times. (not fun)

    I’m going to try (when i get time) to see if i can go in and make all the css files from the 9 subsites to point to the css file from the main site.

    I’ve put what I’ve learned from you on the slider and the icons for each of the widgets. (notice I’ve only did the code change for the widgets on the main site and not the other 9) That’s where I’d like to make it snowball down.

    The client loves the site. ( i think because i did it for free and maintain it for free lol )



    Haha… yeah, that’s funny. Programmers and mechanics (oh, and drywallers)… always seem to be everyone’s best friend.

    Anyways, I’m sure there has got to be an easier, less time consuming, way of handling all those stylesheets… especially if they are all stored on the same server and domain.

    I’ll look into it and get back to you.



    I was thinking about making a child theme for each sub site and having the css pointing to the main child theme. But then I thought, for the widget icons, the same widgets would have the same icons (id’s) thats good. But then the text widgets are just named:



    and so on. So different text widgets would have same names and same text widgets would have different names. (if you know what i mean)

    So i tossed out that idea without trying it.



    Yeah, I didn’t think about that. What I was thinking was adding an @import url to the main install, as well as each of the 9 subinstall css file… all pointing to a common “ghost” css file.

    I guess the widget thing would be a conflict though. However, you could use it for any base adjustments where all 10 installs call the same class or id??

    Just turning the gears here 🙂

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