Shortcode in text widgets not working

  • MerriSedai


    I am using the most recent WordPress (4 plus whatever) and newest Graphene update (1.9.4 or whatever). I have downloaded and installed the Graphene shortcode plugin. The shortfode on my pages appears to be working with almost no problems (or, at least, problems unrelated to this).

    However, I have two shortcodes I use in widgets [bbp-topic-tags] to get a bbPress tag cloud, and [basic-user-avatars] that works with a plugin of the same name to allow a user to upload an avatar of his or her choice.

    Both worked up until this update, as far as I am aware.

    Now that I can no longer add the do shortcode command line into functions.php, how do I get them to work again? Thank you.



    Please read the link and install the plugin that is linked within that post if you want to fix the problem.



    Thank you so much. As I stated in my post ” I have downloaded and installed the Graphene shortcode plugin” which is why I assume the shortcodes in my pages are working. It did not help the shortcodes in my bbPress widgets.

    I would appreciate any further suggestions.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Those aren’t Graphene shortcodes, so the presence (or absence) of the Graphene shortcodes widget shouldn’t make a difference.

    Since I can’t see your site, all I can recommend is that you try standard debugging techniques: disabling plugins, etc.



    First, thank you so much for responding to my problem.

    I’m so sorry! The website is I pulled out all my text widget shortcodes except one for testing purposes. The test code is in the sidebar at the bottom of It is the bbPress Tag Cloud widget.

    I made the widget work before by adding custom code to functions.php “add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);” . Now functions.php will not “take” the code. I type it in, save it, and when I open the file again it’s not there.

    Is the change to the functions.php file a graphene change, or something else (then I’ll know who to ask).

    Again, thank you so much.



    1. Did you deactivate all your plugins (except bbPress) as stated above? Maybe another plugin is causing this malfunction. Try this first, please! Also make sure you hard refresh your site (STRG+F5).

    2. Try this one (functions.php):

    add_filter( 'widget_text', 'wp_text_widget_tag_cloud', 10 );

    function wp_text_widget_tag_cloud() {

    if ( function_exists('wp_tag_cloud') ) : ?>

    <h3 class="widgettitle">Topic Tags</h3>


    wp_tag_cloud( array(
    'smallest' => 10,
    'largest' => 22,
    'number' => 100,
    'taxonomy' => bbp_get_topic_tag_tax_id()
    ) );



    Kenneth John Odle


    You shouldn’t need to do that if these are generated by a plugin. Have you tried deactivating all other plugins except these two to see if your shortcodes work?

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