Serious layout issues since update

  • Samphy


    Hi there!

    Firstly thank you for such a great theme and fantastic support you give!

    Yesterday I updated to the latest version of Graphene and also updated to WordPress version 3.32. Since then, my site layout and theme have “broken” resulting in a very messy result. The actual functionality appears normal, it’s just the layout/css that has gone wrong, to my understanding. Issues include:

    – News slider on front page now has text snippet left-aligned

    – Widgets that should appear in right side bar are now below main content

    – CSS colours are blue instead of orange in IE8

    – The Facebook Members widget has gone completely from the home page

    My site is

    I do have a backup from before the updates but am a little scared to try restoring this without asking if you know what may have happened or if there is an “easy” fix. (I’m not brilliant with this stuff an am wary about completely breaking it. I can however follow instructions if they’re clear πŸ™‚

    Do you have any idea what may have happened? The issue seems to be worse in IE8 but viewing in Firefox also shows errors.

    I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me!

    Many thanks,



    Syahir Hakim


    The messy result you’re seeing is the result of a fairly common (and unfortunate) mistake in child theme implementation. I see that you’ve copied the whole content of the theme’s style.css file into your child theme’s style.css file. This is not how it should be done, and will cause a whole lot of issues, including the ones you’re seeing now.

    You should only add CSS codes that you need to modify the things you want to modify into the child theme’s style.css file. See here for more info regarding customisation via a child theme:



    Thank you for the prompt response Syahir, I appreciate it. Are you able to explain to me how I can fix this? (If it’s fixable?)

    I thought I had only adjusted the relevant lines within the child’s .css with my custom code but it sounds as if I’ve added a whole bunch of additional .css somewhere I shouldn’t? I’m sorry to be such a newb but would be extremely grateful if you are able to explain to me what I need to do to fix it πŸ™‚

    Thank you,



    Syahir Hakim


    Well, I would recommend you to start afresh with a new child theme. This will probably be easier than trying to fix it, especially if you (sort of) remember what customisations you did.


    Syahir Hakim


    By the way, I like the colour scheme of your site. Can I work it into a colour preset for the theme? You’ll get to name it πŸ™‚



    Thanks for your help. I don’t know if I can face starting afresh as I’ve only done this once and that was months ago, so I’m not in the right head space πŸ™‚ I may try removing all the duplicate code out of my child’s .css to see if that works?

    As for my colour scheme, glad you like it πŸ™‚ Yes, please do use it for a preset, I would be most honoured to name it! Besides, if you make a preset then I can just install that theme, lol.


    Syahir Hakim


    That’s great. You can see the colour scheme here:

    So go ahead and give it a name! πŸ™‚

    Other than that, what other files you have in your child theme apart from style.css?



    Blimey, that was quick! πŸ™‚ Let me have a little think on the name, I don’t want it to be rubbish!

    As for other files within my child theme, if say you took a look in my graphene-child directory, all you would see are the style.css file and an images folder which contains my customised icons/buttons/sprites etc.

    Thanks again!



    Color Presets????? πŸ™‚



    Are you asking if there are color presets in my child directory? If so, then nope. πŸ™ I think I may have to start again as you suggested.

    Been thinking about the preset name. Not sure you’ll like any of these but how about something like:




    Or is that all a bit too fruity? πŸ™‚ Happy to go with your choice!

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