SEO Pager

  • Anonymous


    I have been trying to implement the SEO Pager plugin into the theme. The plugin displays a numbered menu which links to posts, instead of standard “older post” link. The pager usually goes below the post and just above the footer. I tried to have the plugin insert the function automatically, I tried to do it with an action hook, but both of these attempts broke the functionality of theme. Any ideas on where I can insert the function <?php SEO_pager(); ?> into the theme maybe, so that I can get this working properly? Thank you for any suggestions.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Where is this bit of PHP supposed to go?

    If it’s supposed to go into the <head> of a document, use an action hook in your child themes functions file to hook it to wp_head()

    On the other hand, if it’s supposed to go anywhere in a post, then you have two options:

    1) Use the HTML editor to insert it in each and every post separately (which is a pain if you don’t like to use the html editor, plus you need to do on each and every post).

    2) Use a Graphene action hook widget area along with a text widget. Text widgets won’t let you use PHP code, however, so you’ll need to use a PHP widget to allow you to enter PHP in a text widget. See this tutorial on how to do that.

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