Remove Title from Static Page

  • keshamaustin



    I need help removing the title “hello ladies” from the body of my homepage… here is the link I have tried other suggestions on here but it didn’t work, I’m not very familiar with code so I just need step by step on exactly what to edit. Thank You 🙂



    Go to Graphene Options –> Display –> Custom CSS and add this code in Custom CSS area. Save changes.

    .post-17 .post-title, .post-title a {
    display: none;



    perfect it worked. Thank you!



    I use the german version of graphene theme. But if I add

    .post-17 .post-title, .post-title a {

    display: none;


    at graphene options => display => custom css – the title is still visible on static page


    Syahir Hakim


    @betacarve, you would need to change the 17 in .post-17 to the post ID of the static page that you want to hide the title. Post a link to the static page so that we can take a look.

    Also, this topic has been marked as resolved, so it may not receive any attention for new posts. Feel free to create your own topic instead.



    I found the solution. I add the following code in custom ccs:

    .post-title, .post-title a, .post-title a:visited {
    display: none;



    @betacarve, won’t that remove the title for every page/post(unless that’s what you really wanted).

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