Reducing the Load Time

  • rickytherhino


    Hey guys,

    I found this cool site that shows how long (and what is causing it) for your site to load. The question is, how do I fix it? Any thoughts?!/lHni3VCGz/





    Get a caching plugin. I would suggest W3 Total Cache.


    Syahir Hakim

    The question is, how do I fix it?

    It’s not really “fixing”, since nothing is really broken. And there’s no simple answer to that question. You’re staring down the path of website performance optimisation, which is a subject in and of itself, totally separate from website customisation.

    Often the practice of optimising a website’s performance requires technical knowledge. Even installing plugins like the one Prasanna mentioned could actually make things worse for your site, if you don’t know how to properly configure it. Even some of the low-hanging fruits, like installing the WP Minify plugin to combine and minify your CSS and JS files to reduce the number of requests on every page load, often require you to at least have an idea on how to troubleshoot if the combining/minifying process didn’t go smoothly, which is not unusual.

    But of course, if you’re happy with your site in terms of customisation and content at the moment, by all means go explore that path. It’s not easy, but the results will be well worth it.


    Even installing plugins like the one Prasanna mentioned could actually make things worse for your site, if you don’t know how to properly configure it.

    Here is a good example! –



    Thanks for your feedback guys. I’m officially scared! I think I will try to find some more technical help that can assist me.

    Thanks again!




    One thing I notice on my site even after implementing W3 Total Cache is that the calls to google fonts are typically a major bottleneck. Is there a simple way to chop these out of graphene?

    I don’t think they really improve the readability or look of the site either.

    I have W3 implemented, however from my experience many of the JS compression and caching features cause graphene to not work – especially the slider features.




    Here’s my take on how to get some boost out of W3TC with Graphene:

    It would be great if people can point out stuff I messed up or suggest things to get more boost.


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