[FIXED] Problem with the custom CSS field in 1.2.1

  • 007me



    In the latest version 1.2.1 there are 2 bugs in the custom CSS field:

    1. the text in RTL languages is on the right side and I can’t change it to LTR by CTRL+SHIFT.

    2. Part of the code is hidden as you can see in the image here and you can see that the ruler is all the way to the right: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lyqzk7dzvfqvtnl/Custom%20CDD%20field%20bug.png




    Syahir Hakim


    Hi Udi,

    I’ve edited the theme’s admin stylesheet in your site. Can you try again and let me know if the issue is resolved?



    Yes, this is left to right now and showing all content.

    So you need to add it to the next release 🙂

    Thanks for the quick response.



    I would like to replicate the fix to my production blog. What should I copy from the test blog to the prod blog?


    Syahir Hakim


    Copy over the CSS file in theme’s /js/codemirror/ folder.



    Thanks Syahir

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