Problem with listing posts using Franz Josef Stack: Posts

  • anagio



    I am trying to list posts from a specific category exactly as the Homeopage does in the Masonary Tiled Layout.

    In the Pagebuilder I added the Widget Franz Josef Stack: Posts and gave it a Title which gets displayed, Post type: Posts, Ignore not selected, Posts per page 8, Lead 0, Columns 4, skip 0, order Date asc and both disable not selected.

    Link to development site is here

    Please have a look and let me know how this can be resolved as I need it to take the site live.



    Oops, sorry for the quote submit.

    I have played around a bit and it does not show any category other than the one used on the Homepage. I have 4 categories and it does not show any of the other 3.

    Any clues how to fix this?


    Syahir Hakim


    Make sure you deselect all categories from the “Front page posts categories” option in Franz Josef Options > General > Front Page.




    Thanks for the quick response.

    You are correct, but how do I now control what is displayed on my front page? I just want a specific category to display there. Do i have to ‘rebuild’ the Homepage using stacks? I tried this but seem to run into a problem in as far that the slider is then no longer 100%.

    Please kindly advise.


    Syahir Hakim

    I tried this but seem to run into a problem in as far that the slider is then no longer 100%.

    You can set the Row Layout to “Full Width Stretched” to get the slider to span 100% of the site’s width.




    Sorry, but despite following your instrcutions, this is not working, see here:

    Set to Row 100% and tried bioth templates, default and single column.

    Please let me know what i’m doing wrong.



    Sorry, your image needed a bit more on the right, now I found where the setting for full width stretched was.

    Allk Fixced


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