Posts not showing on Post page

  • TranSlate


    This is the cleanest theme in WP. Thanks for your hard work on it.

    One question:

    I usually have a few static pages including Home. I go to the Admin panel > Settings >Reading and indicate to start with a static front page and to keep all posts on a page that I designate as Blog, in Summary form. I have done this in at least 5 blogs and it works great.

    Somehow, my Blog page in Graphene comes up empty, with a search box, but nothing else. And the only way to access a post is through the right sidebar widget.

    Am I missing something?

    Could you look at and give me suggestions?

    Thanks in advance




    Its looks like a simple link or SEO plugin problem.


    Did You remember to add an “Empty” page as blog?

    Are You using the /wp-admin/nav-menus.php Menu system?

    And You are using a Child Theme?




    I figured it out, Thanks!

    I had to actually Disable the Front page posts categories in order to show them all at my Blog page. Either that or enable a selection.

    Got it working, thanks

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