Post writer disappeared after upgrade to WP 3.5

  • graphrebot


    Hello. I upgraded my blog to WordPress 3.5 that was recently released and now my post composer is gone.

    I cannot write new posts or edit existing ones, as no content is shown.

    See this image:

    Any ideas/help?



    Sorry, wrong category I guess.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Moved to Support.

    How did you upgrade? Via FTP? If so, it’s possible that not all the tiny_mce javascript files uploaded correctly.

    Make sure that javascript is enabled on your site, as well.

    It’s possible that one of your plugins is not compatible with the new version of WordPress. Try disabling them to see if this is the case.



    Do you have BulletProof Security plugin activated? It’s a known issue with WordPress 3.5 and BulletProof Security .47.6



    Yes, thanks Prasanna. It was a BPS-related bug not a Graphene one.

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