Plug In Screw Up

  • Brandelle


    Hi All, I am really struggling with my site. ( )

    I had a wonderful site up & running, then my host decided he was packing in.

    We moved it all accross to a new host, but had a lot of issues there, so finally, after a week it is up again, however, there was alot missing from the back up, the theme being the main thing.

    I have just spent a lot of time this evening tryig ot get it back & 1 thing missing was a Counter.

    So I searched under Plug Ins, found one that looked fine. Clicked to install & activate & now my screen is blank, I can not access my dashboard.. I want to cry as I was doing so well πŸ™

    I am a relaly novice user so don’t know coding etc.. please can someone help me as I want to get it back again πŸ™

    I wait your advice.. I am happy to tell you how to log in as me if you can fix it πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


    Kenneth John Odle

    So I searched under Plug Ins, found one that looked fine. Clicked to install & activate & now my screen is blank, I can not access my dashboard.

    You will need to FTP to your site and delete that plugin. Or you can simply disable all plugins:



    Thank you, I will try that when I get home again…:)



    Hi Kenneth

    I just wanted to say thank you πŸ™‚ With your instruction I have now successfully delted the rogue plug in & my site is up again..


    Thank you so much πŸ™‚

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