Password protect page / Members area

  • xala



    Has anyone got any suggestions on a recommended plug in or a way to password protect a page and select content viewed by log in?

    My youth organisation site will have two sections that are not for public viewing:

    One section only available to members of the organisation who are logged in.

    One for PR for us to post press releases on accessed by password. This page is a sub page of our main news.

    I have looked but it seems there are only a few plug in that may do this and none work on the latest WP versions.

    Any thoughts on the best way to do this please?



    WordPress build-in password feature

    beside page publish date function.



    Holy smoke – how easy is that.

    many thanks, theres so much to learn.



    Oh I just found this- thank you!!

    When you open a Page in Dashboard, on the right hand side you will see:

    Visibility: Public

    and there are 3 options for the visibility – select the one which suits your purpose:

    — Public

    — Password protected

    — Private




    Yes! If You need it 🙂

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