Page Title showing on pages

  • AnneL


    Hi, I know this question has been asked, and I used this code in my CSS to keep the title of the page from showing on the page:

    .page .entry-title {
    display: none;

    But now the code itself is showing up above the box where the page text is. (Not on the front page, but on all but one of the others.)

    I just put this site up so there’s no other custom CSS going on.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Where did you enter that code? In Graphene Options >> Display Options >> Custom CSS?



    Yep. Take a look at I logged out to make sure it showed up to outside users, and it does.



    I figured this out, a little too tired when editing last night, thanks. (It was in the page template file.)


    Kenneth John Odle


    I figured it was something like that.

    a little too tired when editing last night,

    We know that feeling.


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