Padding in two line navigation bar

  • tadick



    I have a two line navigation bar. How can I change passing between those two lines (in the picture between “Home” and “Das Fazit”)!?

    Picture 1




    What exactly do you mean by changing the passing between the 2 lines? You can tell me in german if you can explain it better this way and I’ll translate.

    Also post a link to the site so I can have a look.



    Hi, ich dachte ich hab’s ganz gut übersetzt 🙂 Also ich nutze das Theme, allerdings ist mein Navigationsmenü so lang, dass es über zwei Zeilen geht. Nun möchte ich zwischen den beiden Zeilen einen Abstand haben 🙂 Als Beispiel dann dazu das Bildchen.


    Hi, ich dachte ich hab’s ganz gut übersetzt 🙂 Also ich nutze das Theme, allerdings ist mein Navigationsmenü so lang, dass es über zwei Zeilen geht. Nun möchte ich zwischen den beiden Zeilen einen Abstand haben 🙂 Als Beispiel dann dazu das Bildchen.

    Ok, so you want a little bit of space between the 1st (upper) menu bar and the 2nd (lower) menu bar.

    Link to your site? < That looks different than the image you posted.



    Ignore the black background. I just made it like this to see the margin better.


    .main-navigation li a {
    margin-top: 5px;

    This will put a margin of 5px at the top of the upper menu and inbetween the 2 menus. Choose whatever number you like.



    Oh thanx, it’s 🙂

    I added the code you posted above to the CSS via the CSS Stylesheet Editor, bt this has no effect 🙁



    Try this one:

    #header-menu li {
    margin-top: 10px;

    You can also make use of the secondary menus and dropdown menus to not cluster up the navigation bar with too many pages. This would probably look much better and more organized sorted.



    worx fine! THANX!!!

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