Newspage won't display posts after update

  • rrrob



    My website doesn’t show my posts anymore after i did a WordPress and Graphene update.

    I allready tried;

    – to reinstall Graphene

    – remove all my old posts and add just one new.

    – reset the static postpage settings.

    – to remove the ‘nieuws’-page en create it again

    but nothing worked.

    When I enable another theme everything goes well…

    This is the website i’m talking about: and this page should show the posts:


    Kenneth John Odle


    Moved to Support. Please post in the correct section next time.



    Go to Graphene Options -> Front Page Options and check if you’ve selected any category and that category has posts. Or better yet, select –Disabled– and check if it list out posts.



    That did the trick.. thank you so much!

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