Multiple Authors Per Post

  • Anonymous


    It would set Graphene’s theme apart from other themes and would be extremely helpful to many WordPress users if there was a way to easily list multiple authors in the byline of each post. There is a plugin called “Co-Authors Plus” that purports to provide this service (and to some extent, it works to let multiple authors contribute to a post), but it requires an extensive amount of code manipulation in Graphene in order to get the byline to appear on the post itself. As a novice WordPress user/coder, I have not been able to figure out how to get multiple authors to show up in the bylines of posts.

    Any help or an updated feature for the Graphene Theme would be greatly appreciated!!



    I just found out about Co- Authors and Multiple Authors plugins. I’ll look for the hacks to make them compatible with the Graphene theme. I’ll probably do it tomorrow since it’s already midnight here.


    Kenneth John Odle

    It would set Graphene’s theme apart from other themes and would be extremely helpful to many WordPress users

    Agreed, but this is much more of a function than WordPress likes to see in themes. The general idea is that themes shouldn’t handle non-appearance functions, because users who switch to another theme will then lose or gain functions. In general, TPTB at WP will not approve themes that add large numbers of features like this, because it helps to delineate more clearly what is the WordPress core and what is the theme core. They prefer that additional functions like this be handled via plugins which can then be used with more or less all themes.

    As a novice WordPress user/coder, I have not been able to figure out how to get multiple authors to show up in the bylines of posts.

    It is probably fairly simple to do via a Graphene action hook widget area. Let’s see what Prasanna comes up with.



    Sorry for bringing up an old thread. I’d like to add multiple authors to the by line and have installed the co-author plugin but haven’t been able to identify the code I need to change to make it work. Did Prasanna have any luck finding what needs to be changed?

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